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Can you get braces as an adult?

Can you get braces as an adult?

Having a straighter smile can significantly boost the confidence of many adults in their daily lives. Orthodontic treatment with braces is an ideal option. Here, our Langley orthodontists discuss orthodontic treatment and answer the common question, 'Can adults get braces?'.

    Can I get braces as an adult?

    After your teenage years, you may think that you can no longer get braces and are stuck with the teeth you have. However, getting braces as an adult is not as complicated as you might think. In fact, there is a growing trend of adults choosing to get braces each year. It's important to address any issues impacting your teeth, whether they are aesthetic concerns that impact your confidence or orthodontic conditions affecting your oral health.

    Here are some of the 'pros' of getting braces as an adult:

    1. Treatment Isn't Too Long

    As an adult, you may feel treatment with braces would last too long. However, this isn't the case. The average length of time you spend wearing braces will depend on the type you pick and the severity of your orthodontic issues, among other factors.

    2. There Are Many Different Options

    Once you've decided to commit to braces, your orthodontist will make treatment recommendations based on your needs and help you decide which option to choose. Metal braces are the traditional and popular choice. This is partly due to their effectiveness and the fact that the brackets are made much smaller today than they had been in the past.

    There are also tooth-coloured translucent braces with ceramic brackets that blend in with your teeth. If you like the discreetness of translucent braces but want to eliminate brackets entirely, then Invisalign clear aligners might be right for you.

    3. Straight Teeth Can Improve Dental Health

    When you have tooth alignment issues, you may focus on the aesthetic impact. You may not correlate it with bite issues affecting your ability to speak and chew.

    With tooth spacing issues, food can also become trapped between teeth more easily, placing you at a higher risk for tooth decay and gum disease. Braces themselves are fairly simple to clean, and once your treatment is complete, you will be left with a straighter, easier-to-clean smile.

    4. Treatment With Braces Can be Convenient

    Braces are quite convenient as you only need the occasional checkup to ensure your treatment plan stays on track and monitor for any signs of complications. These visits are usually fairly short, allowing you to return to what matters most.

    5. Straight Teeth Can Enhance Your Confidence

    Confidence can significantly impact how you feel about yourself and how much you enjoy your daily life. When your confidence is affected by things such as crooked teeth, you may find yourself avoiding eye contact as well as smiling.

    By committing to treatment with braces, you are helping yourself achieve a healthier smile, one that you may want to show off.

    Why should an adult get braces?

    There are many reasons why an adult may need to get braces. These include:

    • Shifting of Teeth: Adults may need braces because their teeth have shifted due to age, injury, or bone loss. When the teeth move gradually, this can cause them to become crowded and crooked.
    • Previous Treatment is No Longer Obvious: Many adults had braces as children, but over time, the teeth have moved, and the previously completed treatment no longer impacts their smile.
    • Difficulty Cleaning Your Teeth: Crooked or crowded teeth can make cleaning between and around them difficult. Straighter teeth can be considerably easier to clean.
    • You Are Experiencing Jaw Pain: In some cases, crooked teeth can result in jaw pain. Straightening the teeth can relieve the pressure and ease the discomfort.
    • Achieving a Straighter Smile: A straighter smile may make you feel more confident and allow you to show off your smile more.

    Do braces take longer to work for an adult?

    While in some cases, braces for adults may take longer than they might for a child or teenager, the timeframe isn't all that different. One of the main reasons why treatment may take slightly longer is that the jaw of an adult is already fully developed, which means that the bone is denser, and adjustments may take longer. In children, the fact that the jaw is still developing means that the jaw bones are guided into the proper position rather than needing to be altered completely.

    Some adults may also have acquired habits that can hinder the orthodontic process, such as smoking or teeth grinding. Generally, though, treatment can still take only two or three years, which is on par with the length of treatment for children and teens.

    How old is too old for braces?

    Many patients ask, 'Can adults get braces if they are older?' The answer is yes. There is no age limit for getting braces. You can undergo orthodontic treatment if you are healthy and have strong, healthy teeth. Some conditions that may impact your ability to get braces include osteoporosis and diabetes.

    Are there any downsides for adults to get braces?

    Braces typically have a positive impact on an adult's teeth, helping to align them and correct orthodontic conditions. However, the process of getting braces may take longer for adults than for teens or children due to their more mature teeth and bones. Although braces have some drawbacks, like minor discomfort and dietary restrictions (no hard, chewy or sticky foods!), these are generally minimal, and the benefits outweigh the disadvantages for most people.

    When wearing braces, you may experience:

    • Sore gums, lips, and inner cheeks
    • Canker sores
    • Mild mouth discomfort

    Luckily, there are preventive measures you can take to minimize these effects, such as using dental wax to minimize the discomfort caused by the brackets rubbing on the soft tissues in your mouth. Your orthontist can also address questions and concerns you may have about living with braces.

    So the answer to 'Can adults have braces?' is yes, and now you know more about what to expect when getting braces. Speak with your orthodontist right away for a consultation to discuss your dental issues and develop a treatment plan suited to your needs.

    Don't let your age stop you from achieving a straight, healthy-looking smile. Contact our orthodontic team at Langley Orthodontics today.

    Book your first smile consultation with our Langley Orthodontists today.

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