If you're starting orthodontic treatment with clear aligners, you might wonder how your daily habits might change. Here, our orthodontists in Langley discuss whether you should drink coffee during treatment with Invisalign and explore the factors behind the answer.
Coffee & Invisalign
When beginning orthodontic treatment using Invisalign clear aligners, patients frequently have questions regarding food and drink restrictions. If you love coffee, you may wonder how your beloved beverage fits into your new Invisalign routine. Is it possible to drink coffee while using Invisalign, or must you forgo it to achieve a straighter, healthier smile?
Here, we will explore the topic of drinking coffee during Invisalign treatment and offer practical tips for keeping your aligners in good condition throughout treatment while still enjoying your morning or afternoon brew.
So, is it okay to drink coffee while wearing Invisalign?
No, you should never drink coffee while wearing your Invisalign clear aligners. However, as long as you remove your aligners, you can enjoy your favourite caffeinated drinks during treatment (in moderation).
We recommend against drinking coffee with your aligners in because it is acidic and dark, which may cause unsightly stains on your aligners. Additionally, hot drinks can warp the plastic of your aligners, potentially impacting your treatment.
If you do decide to take your aligners out to enjoy a cup of coffee, there are a few things to consider.
Keeping Your Teeth & Aligners Clean: After you finish your coffee, remember to brush your teeth to prevent any leftover coffee from staining your aligners. Whenever you remove your aligners, rinse them before reinserting them to eliminate any saliva or residue that might be there.
Managing Your Time Spent Without Aligners: It's essential to wear your Invisalign clear aligners for 22 hours daily and track their removal. Failing to do so may extend your treatment duration. Remember that for Invisalign to effectively realign your teeth, consistent wear of your aligners is necessary.
Why might you want to drink coffee during Invisalign treatment?
Although drinking coffee isn't possible with the aligners on, many patients have experienced advantages from consuming coffee during their Invisalign treatment. These benefits include:
Maintain Your Routine: For many patients, coffee is a daily staple. This is what makes Invisalign appealing, as you don't have to give up coffee (or your favourite snacks) during treatment. Simply remove the aligners while you enjoy your drink, then put them back in afterward (don't forget to brush your teeth and rinse your aligners first).
Boost Your Energy: Coffee offers many people a big boost of energy. Many patients appreciate this while they adjust to their new aligners.
Improve Your Oral Hygiene: Since you need to brush your teeth and rinse your aligners after drinking coffee, your daily coffee routine can actually help you stay on track with oral hygiene.
Is coffee the only concern with Invisalign?
Coffee isn't alone in this. We recommend the same precaution with hot tea, cocoa, or other hot drinks. Remember, as noted before, that warping your aligners is not ideal!
What about cold beverages? Many patients also ask, 'Can I drink iced coffee with Invisalign?' While there isn't a concern regarding heat in this case, we still recommend removing your clear aligners, as they can still be stained by iced coffee. It's important to clean your teeth and aligners to remove any coffee and sugars before putting them back in. The same applies to drinking sodas or other coloured beverages.
However, you can drink as much water as you'd like without removing your Invisalign clear aligners. Water is sugar-free and clear, making it a safe choice for protecting your aligners. Just remember – when in doubt, take them out.